Friday, October 12, 2012

Team SAA Announcement

Team SAA Announcement

What a roller coaster ride it has been.  As the Phoenix rose from the ashes, SAA was born several years ago.  To say it was a bumpy ride is an understatement.  Rather than dwelling on the past, forward looking we march.  With the great support from fellow friends and anglers “you all know who you are”, SAA continues to grow.  Behind the scenes, Bob and I have been working on something special.  Well at least I think it is special, and I know Bob is excited.

I am by no means a designer when it comes to web graphics.  Sure I can take some slick photos, but lack the artistic view in the graphic design department.   Hence, we hired a graphics designer.  Taking design ideas from both myself and Bob, a new logo was born!  It has always been my vision to provide a place for anglers to kick back, enjoy the fishing fellowship, meet new anglers, and finally fish together streamside.  The cherry on top for me personally was seeing some Team SAA logo gear being worn streamside, or stickers on vehicles.  The new SAA logo will hopefully help point us in that direction.

Within the next week or so, we will start making available some apparel with the new SAA logo on them.  If you are interested, speak with Bob Sparent.  He is heading up that area.

Thanks for all the support over the past several years.  We look forward to all the exciting things to come in the future.

Until Next Time…
Fish Hard…Fish Often…

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